Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Shades of Norma Rae

So, it's well known at daycare--and in all of A's universe--that my daughter doesn't like to nap. Since day one, she has not been a napper. As previously chronicled on these pages, that periodically has posed problems at daycare. (My stance, for the record, is that while I agree that she can't be running around waking up the other kids, she also cannot be forced to sleep. Without Benadryl, at least. But I digress.)

At any rate, today, her teacher informed me that during playground time, a group of kids--three-and-a-half-year-olds, mind you--was chanting in unison on the swings. The chant? "No more naps! No more naps!" The leader of the mini-union? Well, I think you can guess.

Maybe she'll be a lawyer for the ACLU.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

At least she wasn't shouting, "Attica! Attica!"

Not yet, anyways. :)