Thursday, May 7, 2009

It's raining, it's pouring

There's the reason that the proverb "when it rains, it pours" exists. Because it is true. Very, very true.

Still plodding ahead on the papers--although I've gotten some helpful feedback from my very patient, very wise professor, who has talked me down from the ledge several times now--and now coping with cat and daycare crises. The former being that Mama Kitty seems to have some kind of infection (I know this because, to put it bluntly, her poo is green and foul-smelling), so I have to take her to the vet tomorrow; the latter being that I am being increasingly chided by daycare because A won't settle down at naptime. Sure thing. Get right on that.

Although short of duct-taping her to her cot, I'm at a loss for what else to do--I've come up with every form of prevention and punishment I can think of or have read about, all for naught. Today, I was told that if she continues, I'm going to have to take her home every day at naptime. There is something fundamentally wrong about that, I think.

Anyway. I continue to slog.

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