Friday, May 1, 2009

We have been fruitful and multiplied

No, don't get excited. It's just that the pregnant cat who adopted us has graced us with four kittens. All dreadfully cute, of course. Mama Nature knew what she was doing with young-uns--make them too cute to not be taken care of.

Keeping A away from them has been a bit of a chore. She, naturally, is dying to hold them. However, having seen how she "held" the Easter eggs, I am going to wait until they get a little, um, sturdier, let's say. Should be an interesting battle.

So, to recap: I am part-time single mom, full-time employee, finishing up grad class with two papers due in two weeks (that comprise 90 percent of my final grade, like WTF?), both magazines in production... and now adoptive mother to five cats who are living in our downstairs bathroom.

I simply cannot wait until I am committed.

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