Monday, September 22, 2008

effin' fruit flies...

So, I know that I usually don't post happy homemaker stuff, mostly because that's not me. (Well, the homemaker part; I'm usually fairly genial.) BUT, we were recently struck with an infestation of fruit flies (okay, so I didn't realize that the tangerines had gone bad, whoops) and the little buggers practically have been swarming us. However, my friend K over at koalabrains posted a tip for getting rid of them and by damn it, it WORKS. You just pour some apple cider vinegar in a bowl and swirl in a little dishwashing soap, and I tell you, those annoying little shits die faster than a Florida State drive against Wake. I will admit that I'm getting a tad OCD about this... I just sort of hang out and watch, waiting for them to take the bait, and I'm starting to compile body counts. I may need help.

That notwithstanding, if you have fruit flies, this is an awesome (and disturbingly entertaining) way to get rid of them.

Back to our regularly scheduled programming.


Unknown said...

You're enjoying this entirely too much. But I have no room to talk.

The winter before last, a mama rat apparently gave birth to quite a litter in my basement. I set up (non-humane) traps and cleaned them out periodically. The body count was nine. I had a tally on my dry erase board in my basement office.

You're right---disturbingly entertaining. Kinda like watching UT die against UF. :)

koala brains said...

I'm the same, I kept looking at the glass to see how many more jumped in the pool. This is sick - I like how you can tell the freshies b/c they float whereas the older ones sink. Hee hee, die fruit flies, die!!!

SherryB said...

Chuck, the founding member of PETA, ladies and gentlemen...

LOL, I'll have to be on the lookout for the freshies versus the new. I'm also very aware of the good spots in the house to place the "trap" and the bad ones. I do need help.

But when do these little buggers finally die out?! I mean, it's been four or five days since I threw out the bad fruit!

DocTrauma said...

OK, just thanks for this tip. I have had the same issue to to a mango related mental lapse and haven't been able to get rid of them since. I was trying honey and only caught 2, so I will have to try your vinegar thing and see if you really do get more flies with honey than vinegar. I've suspected it is the other way around for years....

SherryB said...

This explains much, Fred. But no--it really does work. Body count continues to rise...