Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I can't decide

Serious stuff, here. I can't decide which of these otherwise potentially interchangeable (taste/texture-wise, that is) products has the better name: Ho-Hos or Ding-Dongs. I used to be solidly on the Ho-Ho side but this morning, I was jonesing for some chocolate (NOTHING to do with my mother being here, no stress eating or anything like that, uh-uh) and all 7-11 had was Ding-Dongs. And really, it's just fun to say, "These Ding-Dongs are mine" and "I had two Ding-Dongs" for breakfast.

I like Ho-Hos.

I like Ding-Dongs.

Hm. I think I'm leaning toward the double Ds. Thoughts?

(And yeah... it's been a looooong week.)


koala brains said...

You crack me up! I'm w/ you - I like the sound of ding dongs better. But then again if you want to abbreviate ho-ho's you can always say ho's and that's an entirely new meaning. "I had me some ho's this morning" or "I'm going to get me some ho's" - well, doesn't quite sound the same coming from a woman.

Jody Madron... said...

So much to work with in this post.

Before I start swinging at the softballs you lobbed up there, I'll ask this question: Did you see the episode of 30 Rock where Jack proved to be a "stress eater" thanks to his mom's visit? Classic.

Hands down, that's the best show on TV -- and I'm not just saying that because I have a thing for Tina Fey. (OK, well...maybe that's PART of the reason I say that.) for those softballs...

* The last time I "leaned toward the Double-D's" the dancer took my $20 and I got thrown out of the bar.

* "All 7-11 had was Ding-Dongs"? Really? You're telling me the entire store was empty save for a few shelves filled with Ding Dongs?

* "I like Ding-Dongs"...heh heh heh.

* As for your "question", the obvious answer is neither: the kreme-filled Tastykakes trump both the Ho-Hos and the Ding-Dongs.

SherryB said...

Maybe I'll try throwing that out during a meeting: I gotta get me some ho's. I'll let you know how that works out.

And no, I don't watch 30 Rock (and I don't want any lectures from Mr. I Don't Watch Any Movies, Ever). As for the softballs: I figured you'd take the double D's setup (and for the record, our 7-11 doesn't sell Juggs, either); and not exactly, but I did get to have a fun exchange with the clerk ("you're out of ho-ho's? how can you let that happen?"); and yuck re: the tastykakes. No accounting for taste...

DocTrauma said...

Swiss Cakes Rolls rule supreme! Where are you from, New Jersey?

I was always told Boys like Ho-ho's, girls like Ding-Dongs.

SherryB said...

It's a given that boys like the ho-ho's. It's the first step on the inevitable path to Hooters. Which Tom, of course, only likes because of their chicken wings. He swears it, honest.

Jody Madron... said...

As someone who grew up within a 60-mile radius of Philadelphia, Tastykakes have to be the winner...hands down.

C'mon, everybody sing..."Wouldn't you like a cake as tasty as a tastykake?"

Anyway, why don't people understand that Hooters actually does serve good wings. I mean, seriously, I'd go in there for the wings even if...

Damn...I almost got through that with a straight face.