Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mamma mia

So. My mother has been here for only (and I use that word loosely) about 24 hours now and thus far, she has:

* Complained vehemently about how difficult our vacuum cleaner is to use (keep in mind that I didn’t actually ask her to vacuum),

* Vowed to chop down our cherry tree (a long story and an unintentionally hilarious threat),

* Been attacked by our wok (hey, she knows that our closets are booby traps at best—caveat mater),

* Gone grocery shopping twice (we were out of hand soap in one of the bathrooms and she doesn't like our brand of toilet paper), and

* Run over a curb while dropping me off at work (giving me the fullest confidence in her ability to not actually wreck my car when she hits—hopefully not literally—the grocery store for the inevitable third time).

And she’s here until Monday. Whee!


koala brains said...

Ouch, she isn't make her visit easy on you, I see. Hang in there. Just a couple more days...

SherryB said...

By the way, by the time she left? Grocery store visit count was up to seven.