Monday, July 14, 2008

Alexandrites (6/30/08)

First, I'm posting these mostly to remind myself that my life is pretty good and lots of interesting and amusing things happen to me. Today just happens to be a shitty day--people are beating upon my absolute last nerve at work. I'm normally pretty bloody optimistic and able to roll with it when the more artistic types, let's say, act out. But today, I lost it with one who was resisting a graphic change that I wanted him to make to the placement of a byline. Normally, I don't get on my high horse about such things but this was a pretty obviously necessary one for readability issues (the age-old struggle between editors and designers and one that I face daily). Finally, after arguing with G for FIVE MINUTES about this, he muttered that he'd shown it to another designer, M, and that she liked it. I stood up, pointed to the change, and said, "I don't give a shit what M thinks, change the fucking byline!" You have to understand, this is totally not me--sure I might think it, but I rarely actually say it. All I can say in my defense is, PMS is a bitch and right now, so am I. (But he did make the change and it looks MUCH better, thankyouverymuch.)

And second, I don't think I've explained (and am too lazy to see whether this is indeed true) why I call the amusing (to me, at least) A stories "alexandrites." Alexandrite is my birthstone and given that A's name is Alexandra and these are little soundbites from her life, well, it seemed to fit. On with the show...

On Saturday, we went for our usual walk (well, me pushing her in her stroller) on a local walking/bike path. At one point, where the path is only about 100 feet away from the road, I was huffing along when she spotted a young man (and I am officially old for typing that) walking along the side of the road. She said loudly enough for him to hear, "Mommy! He's walkin' inna road!" I smiled feebly at the nice young man and said, "Well, honey, that's because there's no sidewalk there." But my Junior Traffic Safety Patrolwoman was undeterred. Frowning darkly at him, she said, "He's gonna get SQUISHED." He, needless to say, started walking faster in the opposite direction. Already winning friends and influencing people--that's my girl.

Yesterday saw a great display of her comedic timing. T and I were watching the UEFA (United European something something--again, too lazy to look) soccer championship game between Germany and Spain. T was rooting for Germany because of his Swiss-German heritage and I was rooting for Spain primarily because their goaltender is pretty hot. T called me out for being superficial so I pointed out, "Well, I don't speak German but I do speak Spanish." And Alexandra turns and cheerfully says, "Hola!" I think we've been watching a bit too much Dora/Diego/Handy Manny, si?

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