Friday, April 10, 2009

Well, it was inevitable

Frankly, I would have thought that it would have happened sooner, so I guess I'm lucky that she made it this long. But it happened: A swore at daycare.

Teacher: A said a bad word today.
Me: Oh? [voice all innocence] Which one? [filled with trepidation]
Teacher: She said [whispers] "shit."
Me: [a little relieved; could have been worse] Oh, dear. What happened?
Teacher: She was playing in the mud with two other children, and I told them that they'd go into timeout if they didn't stop. She didn't stop, so I told her she had to go into timeout, and she threw her hands up and said, "Oh, shit."
Me: [now trying not to laugh, already having won Mother of the Year] Oh, dear.
Teacher: I asked her where she'd learned it.
Me: Um...
Teacher: She said her Mommy says it.

I did not say, "Oh, shit," but I was tempted. Instead, I feebly tried to defend myself. "I only say it on rare occasions, like if I drop something on my foot." Surprisingly, lightning did not strike me where I stood.

Anyway. We had a long chat on the way home (one that was interrupted by her asking if the Easter Bunny would come down the chimney; I was like, "Uh... I... um.... No. He, uh, leaves the basket on the doorstep. And Daddy brings it inside." "Why not?" "Because rabbits don't come in the house, do they?" "No." "Well, that's why."). And when I told T, he laughed, mostly because she didn't finger him, which she very well should have.

Ah, well. At least she used in the right context, I suppose.


Jody Madron... said...

Congratulations. And, yes, you are correct to be proud of her for using the word in its proper context.

Unknown said...

Pardon me, but why is the Day Care worker even interested in where they learned it from? Why did she feel the need to (try and) give you a guilt trip? It should have ended with her telling you what A said.

If she had said the "F" word, then T would have been suspect number-one. :)

SherryB said...

The editor/writer in me is proud. I think.

And good question. I'd assumed that it was to make sure that she didn't learn it from another kiddo, but yes, there probably was a bit of enjoyment for putting Mommy on the spot.

koala brains said...

Yep, inevitable. They are sponges, aren't they? She's old enough to call you out. I'm always afraid Boo is going to talk potty humor at school (since we do it at home). By the way, Boo was about 2 or maybe younger and started saying, "fucking hot" when she bit into her food. I denied that was what she was saying b/c I stopped cussing months before (at least I thought). She kept saying it and finally I played dumb and said, I don't know what that means. Why don't you say "super hot". Thankfully she quit saying it.