Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sign of the times?

I'm not terribly handy with math, but let's try a little here:

No. of trips to WalMart today: 1

No. of minutes spent at said WalMart: 30 (approx.)

No. of children I saw hitting a parent: 3

So, that's about one every 10 minutes, right? Meaning that this is, somehow, acceptable now? Somehow, I missed this memo, because I stared at all three of them in utter disbelief. The parents? They took it in stride, laughing or saying, "Does that make you feel better?" (And let me note for the record, these were not light smacks, although I don't believe in that, either--these were full-out wallops.)

I dunno. My parents rarely spanked/hit me, but the mere thought of hitting one of them when I was a child would have sent me screaming from the room at the inevitable repercussions. Jury, what say you?


koala brains said...

I'm horrified that these parents let their kids hit them. What's up with that? I know everyone has their own parenting style and their threshold of what they will tolerate but hitting is a no brainer - it is absolutely not allowed.

SherryB said...

Seriously, I'm not joking when I said I was staring. We witnessed something similar with friends of friends a few years ago and I was this close to saying, "Look, you want me to take care of that for you?" I just really don't get it.

mistress immaculate said...

uh oh! i feel so implicated. titus hits us to show love. no, really! we've been thinking it's cute.

now i realize the error of my ways and will avert his "love pats."
