Monday, January 12, 2009

Drinking games to make cartoons more tolerable

While I was getting ready for work this morning, A (while not getting the carton of milk out of the fridge, filling several assorted tea cups and bowls with it, and setting them on the coffee table for her "friends") was watching Little Einsteins. Based on this experience (the show, not the hissy fit I had about the milk), I've decided that an excellent drinking game for LE would be to take a shot every time any character says "Look!" You'd be shitfaced within the first five minutes. Of course, you get bonus points with Annie, who is evidently incapable of saying it once. ("Look look look!" Shaddup kid, I get it.)

And here's the best part: I sure won't be taking shots of milk. (Although they were already graciously laid out for me.) Bottom's up!


Unknown said...

How's about a shot for every time "The Map" says "I'm the map!" in an episode of Dora?

SherryB said...

Sadly, the new version of the song has less of that. My guess is that a rush of parental hate mail effected that change. And I only think that this is sad because it will take far longer to get drunk, meaning that you'll be sober for a longer period of a Dora episode. Please, won't someone think of the parents?!