Monday, October 6, 2008

Yo, blabba blabba

Anyone who's read this blog for long enough knows how much I despise Yo, Gabba Gabba. However, when T is away at school, I do allow A to turn on Noggin when we get home to ease her into the "where's Daddy" transition. (TV replaces Daddy... paging Dr. Freud, party of three...) Anyway, Noggin was insidious enough to change their schedule from showing the reasonably innocuous Little Bear or Franklin, or even one that I really like, such as Backyardigans, at that time. Because no. Guess what we're stuck with: Yo, Gabba Gabba. Which, naturally, she loves. Yippee.

It's got its pros and cons, lesson-wise, I've found. Such as tonight in the tub, when I heard her making some really strange blowing noises. I asked what on earth she was doing and she informed me that it was BizMark's beat of the day. Oh, joy. On the other hand, I later heard her singing at her dinosaurs, who were attempting to do something or another, "don't give up... never give up... keep trying, keep trying, don't give up," etc. ad infinitum.

So what it comes down to is, learning to beatbox versus learning the value of persistence. I honestly can't decide which one trumps the other.

And more importantly: when am I going to get that frigging song out of my head?! (Keep trying... keep trying...)


Unknown said...

Is it just me, or are there overt racist overtones on "Yo Gabba Gabba?" Kinda like the California Raisin commercials from years gone by? Maybe I'm reading WAY too much into this.

By the way, you're welcome for my getting rid of your fruit flies this weekend. :)

SherryB said...

Actually, out of all the many (MANY) annoying things about that show, that's not something I'm picking up. But perhaps I am simply distracted by the friendly kitty with the razor-sharp teeth. Because to reiterate: who the hell thought THAT was a good idea?!

Oh, and A has decided that her "Cool Trick" is making faces when her picture is being taken. This should make for some stellar memorabilia.

LOL, they actually are finally gone...

koala brains said...

Ha ha ha, she has good taste. You can always introduce her to new shows. Try Little Einsteins and Super Why, Boo's latest faves.

SherryB said...

Oh, she loves Little Einsteins, and that's actually one that I really appreciate, both for the music and art. When we're driving somewhere and she wants me to go faster, she starts pat-pat-patting. :)

Never heard of Super Why--where is that one shown?