Wednesday, October 1, 2008


You know, I joke all the time about the fact that I no longer have a memory is because the kid sucked it out of me. But I may not, in fact, be wrong. Because she has a SCARY sharp memory.

Case in point: Several months ago, I wanted to get her a clock for her room so she would know when she was allowed to start bellowing for us in the morning. We bought a cute frog clock from Target but when we got it home and opened the package, I found out that it was broken. So I took it back the next day and saw that that was the last one, so instead, I dug up an old Mickey Mouse clock of mine and we've been using that.

Well, tonight, out of nowhere, she's talking about what time it says on the clock and says, "What happened to the frog?" I say, "What frog?" thinking, she can't possibly mean the frog clock. But no. She did; she says, "The clock with the frog on it. Where did it go?"

Keep in mind that a) this was, like SIX MONTHS AGO, b) we owned said clock for less than 24 hours, and c) it has NEVER been mentioned again. Like, we don't sit around waxing rhapsodic, "Gee, remember that frog clock?" Hell, I'D even forgotten about it.

So... that kind of freaks me out. And it's getting to the point where she's reminding ME of things. I somewhat fear that I'm going to be committed any day now; yeesh...


Jody Madron... said...

It's frightening just how much they remember...when they WANT to remember.

It seemed like one day I was happily using the #1 Dad trick of saying things like, "We'll do that tomorrow" or "We'll come back to the park again soon". Only I knew she'd forget by the next day.

And then -- all of a sudden -- it seemed like she was able to mentally catalog every promise that was ever made to her.

Another funny memory story -- Kacie was no older than three when she was stung by a bee while sitting on our couch eating scrambled eggs. (Please don't ask why.)

Anyway, this past weekend (she's seven now, btw) she was eating breakfast and -- out of nowhere -- said, "Good thing I wasn't eating these eggs on the couch. I might get stung again if I do that."

Seriously -- this had to be at least four years (and one house) ago. It's never been mentioned in all that time...yet somehow she still equates the act of eating scrambled eggs on a couch with getting stung by a bee.

So, of course, I did nothing to break the mental connection. I just said, "Yep...good thing" and left it at that.

koala brains said...

Boo is at the same stage. I play a game w/ her and ask her to remind me to get X when we go to Target and sure enough, she remembers.

SherryB said...

LOL, I have to ask A to remind me that I locked the front door in the morning...

And Jody, have you found your own memory sapped or is it just a maternal thing? (Nice response, by the way--good thing.)

Jody Madron... said...

My memory is shot -- I don't think it's limited to Moms only. It's really ugly when I can't remember their names so (since they all start with K's) I just start listing all of their names until I get the right one. Some days I swear I'm 75.

SherryB said...

Ha! And I don't suppose a good "hey, you" would suffice?