Friday, October 24, 2008

College football edjumication begins early in these parts

This is the following conversation, verbatim, that took place betwixt the child and I while I was putting her to bed tonight:

Me: Hey, we have lots of college football to watch on tv tomorrow! That means we get to yell a lot![This being, of course, her favorite part, although to her credit, she generally yells the right things at the right time.]

A: Why do we yell?

Me: Because we get excited when our teams play. [Feeling no need to elaborate upon "excited" just quite yet.]

A: What kind of things do we yell?

M: You know, like, "Go go go!" and "Get him!" and "Touchdown!" or sometimes, "Oh, man!"

A: And "Oh, shit!"

[a moment of dead silence as I do my best to stifle my laughter]

Me [weakly]: No, honey, we don't say that.

A: Daddy does.

[another pause, partially because she's right, partially just because I'm glad she didn't finger me for it, which she justifiably could have]

Me: Well, he shouldn't. He'd rather say [outright lying shall now commence] "Oh, shoot!" And I like to say, "Oh, phooey!"

A: What's my word?

Me: Um... darn it?

A: No. It's "Oh,bugger."

I suppose that's better than "Oh, shit"...


Unknown said...

I'm going to try "Oh, Bugger" at the next Tech game, but I make no promises. I ran Charlie out of the room Saturday after we roughed the punter to keep the drive alive.

Jody Madron... said...

I don't know how you were able to keep from laughing when she said that. And you had to feel as guilty as Ralphie's dad (to borrow a thought from another post) when she claimed she heard that phrase from Tom instead of you. Did you give her a nice helping of Lifebuoy before bed?

SherryB said...

Luckily, Tom was on an entirely different level of the house when that occurred... so it was muffled. But at least you've given Charlie some good material for therapy.

And guilty? Hell, no! I'm just glad I'm not the one who got in trouble for it. (Mmm.... Lifebuoy... you have to admit, the color does make it look somewhat appealing.)