Monday, August 4, 2008

Nothing to see here unless you're super bored

This isn't one of my usual "gosh, parenting is tough" posts, more like something I just wanted to, dare I say it, brag about a little.

For most of my life, I was blessed with a superb metabolism. Until, of course, I got pregnant and gave birth. I'd never really worried about weight until I was pregnant--I carefully monitored every single one of those added 36 pounds, thank you--and then afterward, when I started getting those "is she still pregnant?" looks (and one question--ouch!). Since then, it's been kind of a roller coaster. My first mistake, I think, was getting in the best shape of my life before I got pregnant, reasoning then that it would be easier to get back in shape afterward, totally not factoring in that duh, I'd have a baby, a full-time job, and little time or money for a fitness regimen.

I've tried just about every diet out there, too. The South Beach worked great before I got pregnant but it's one of those that T and I have realized is less successful every time you try it. (And oh, is it brutal. It's like boot camp for eating. When you find yourself going, "And in three days, I can have an oatmeal pancake with sugar-free syrup!" and SALIVATING, you know it's not a fun diet.) I tried the Special K diet--no change in weight. I tried the Prevention magazine's MUFA diet and GAINED five pounds. (Talk about pissed... I was muttering about lawsuits.) Finally, in late April of this year, I realized three things: One, three weeks from then, I would have to wear a bathing suit in public. (We were going to Florida on vacation.) Two, the only bathing suit top that would fit me was a tankini--even a simple one piece made me look pregnant, ye gods. And three--and the most startling--was that I was only eight pounds shy of what I weighed when I GAVE BIRTH. Brrrrring! That was the big wake-up call.

In desperation, I turned to Google, as one does, and typed "boost metabolism." And, without going into even more boring details, I started doing two things: One, counting calories as though it were a new religion, and two, walking at least 30 minutes every day. Since then, I have shed 18 pounds. And I am pretty damned pleased with myself about that. See, you have to understand, I am one of those to whom exercise is anathema. I hate sweating. I hate having an accelerated heart rate. I'd rather be reading or watching tv. So for me to actually stick to something, much less something exercise-related, for the first time in my life, well, I think that's mostly what I'm proud of. (Although I was pretty damned pleased when, this morning, I was able to slide into my Gap-sized-6-which-means-they're-actually-8 jeans for the first time Ican'trememberwhen.)

I still have two goals. One is to get back to the weight I was when we got married by our 10-year anniversary, which is in 11 days. I have two pounds to go; I think I can get there. The other is, if I dare to dream, to drop down to where I was when I got pregnant. I haven't set a date for that, yet. Maybe mid-November? I think aiming on the other side of the "eating holidays" is a bad idea.

Finally, I'll admit that I'm vain enough that it's nice to get compliments from others. I liked T's the best; he said that I've always looked great but that I'm definite MILF material now. I'm sure it's bad that this made me smile but you know what? It still does.

Okay, back to business as usual later. I have to go for a walk now.


koala brains said...

You absolutely need to give yourself a BIG pat on the back for losing the weight. It's sooooo hard to do after baby and at our age. Seriously, metabolism slows down. I'm so proud of you and wonder what the f- I'm doing wrong b/c I can't lose the last 10 pounds. It takes the ultimate form of self discipline to do what you accomplished (I cheat on the weekends so that's my first problem). I like how you set different goals - like how you are now trying to get to where you were when you got married, then the weight when you got prego. Putting it into chunks like that makes it less daunting, doesn't it? Go Sherry - T better watch out w/ all those college boys checking out the MILF (eww, is that kinda gross - b/c those boys are really boys now to us???). LOL

SherryB said...

Aw, thank you. It really is less bragging and more marveling over my commitment to doing this. The small, more-readily achievable goals helped; I'm not much on follow-through if I don't see results soon.

And anyway, remember when I hit my plateau and you told me what your husband said about your body getting used to a routine after six weeks? Maybe it's time to change up your regimen. I followed your advice and did that, and it really helped. And thanks for being such a great coach, btw--that really super-duper helped.

LOL... I know, these kids are more age-appropriate for Alexandra--ouch! :)