Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Calling Mr. Johnson...

This gets filed under "child's idiosyncrasies." On Sunday we bought a few dolls and two rooms from the barfily named "Fisher Price Loving Family" play set, mostly to see if A was interested enough in the dolls to justify buying more. I like the idea because she loves having things talk to each other, so I saw this as another means of furthering her imagination. I just didn't realize quite how much, though.

The two rooms we got were the kitchen (T's pick) and the laundry room (A's pick, which I thought was hilarious). In the kitchen, you can push a button and make the oven timer go off. Strangely enough, about a minute after it does, the kitchen's little telephone rings. Really, I wonder who came up with that concept; maybe someone's calling to see if dinner's ready?

Anyway, the first few times the phone rang, A had me answer it and "talk" to whoever was on the line. Finally, I asked her who was calling, fully expecting it to be one of her grandmothers, which is usually the case when she pretends to be on the phone. Instead, she said, "Johnson." T and I both said, "Who?" And she said, "Johnson's calling." Keep in mind that we don't know anyone named Johnson, nor is there any such character on any show she watches. We were baffled, although I suppose it's possible that she has a larger social life than I ever suspected.

At any rate, on Sunday, she was fairly insistent that it was Johnson on the line. We were like, okay, fine. Then yesterday, it evolved into Mr. Johnson who, the next thing I know, shows up for cupcakes in the form of the father figure. I said, "Isn't that Daddy?" She said, "No, Mommy, it's Mr. Johnson," sounding utterly exasperated. Oookay. "Where's Daddy, then?" "He's not home." Great--not only is her future shrink going to have a field day with this, T's going to think I'm having some guy named Mr. Johnson over for cupcakes when he's away.

So now I feel compelled to buy another father figure (although they're going to be identical, so I'm hoping the new one isn't Mr. Johnson's twin, Mr. Johnson) so that we have a Daddy. Meanwhile, when I last saw Mr. Johnson, he was sweeping the kitchen floor, so maybe he's not so bad after all.


Ali said...

Yep, I'd say Mr. Johnson is a keeper!

koala brains said...

Ohmigosh, where did she get that? Kids are too funny. I love it! I got Boo the loving family dollhouse and a bunch of furniture for her bday and she played with it the first couple days and I don't think she's touched it since. Good thing it wasn't my money - we used $$ from grandma and aunt & uncle & cousins to buy it. It's something I know she'll play with more and more. By the way, is it bad that I like to put the dolls on the toilet, or the extra man doll (since we bought the little girl to represent Boo) in the attic as the crazy uncle who likes to be surrounded by animals? Oh, and I've already thought of role playing the two men as a gay couple we know - hey, Boo, it's Uncle T and Uncle C. Well, I wouldn't do it but I have thought it. :)