Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fun with words

There have been a few interesting exchanges around here lately...

Saturday, at the doctor's office (to be diagnosed with the second bout of strep throat in 1 1/2 months, yay):

Doctor, walking in: "Hello, how are you?"
A: "My name is A. Nice to meet you."
Doctor: "Nice to meet you, too."
A: "You need to wash your hands before you check me."
Doctor (laughing): "Aren't you precocious? Do you know what precocious means?"
A: "It's Spanish."

Sunday afternoon:

A (pretending to play her trumpet that actually makes music, alas): "Mommy, you need to beduct me!"
Me (knowing that she means "conduct"): "Are you playing the trumpet?"
A: "Yes, I'm a bagician, just like Daddy!"
Me (trying not to laugh): "Are you?"
A: "Yes. And I'm going to go play music in Baltimorrow, too."

Tonight, telling T about her day:

T: "What were you doing on the playground when I picked you up?"
A: "We were finding worms."
T: "Worms?"
A: "Yes. We're the worm patrol. We find worms for people."

Just a few minutes ago:

Me (having gone into her room to change a poo diaper): "Now, hold still. You don't want it getting all over the place."
A (evidently somewhat remembering last night's similar conversation): "That's right. Because when I'm on the yucky medicine [antibiotics], my poo gets fancy."
Me (after a beat): "You mean funky."
A: "Right, right, right."

So, that's the latest on my Spanish, fancy-pooing worm patroller. I look forward to whatever Baltimorrow brings.

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