Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fun with words

There have been a few interesting exchanges around here lately...

Saturday, at the doctor's office (to be diagnosed with the second bout of strep throat in 1 1/2 months, yay):

Doctor, walking in: "Hello, how are you?"
A: "My name is A. Nice to meet you."
Doctor: "Nice to meet you, too."
A: "You need to wash your hands before you check me."
Doctor (laughing): "Aren't you precocious? Do you know what precocious means?"
A: "It's Spanish."

Sunday afternoon:

A (pretending to play her trumpet that actually makes music, alas): "Mommy, you need to beduct me!"
Me (knowing that she means "conduct"): "Are you playing the trumpet?"
A: "Yes, I'm a bagician, just like Daddy!"
Me (trying not to laugh): "Are you?"
A: "Yes. And I'm going to go play music in Baltimorrow, too."

Tonight, telling T about her day:

T: "What were you doing on the playground when I picked you up?"
A: "We were finding worms."
T: "Worms?"
A: "Yes. We're the worm patrol. We find worms for people."

Just a few minutes ago:

Me (having gone into her room to change a poo diaper): "Now, hold still. You don't want it getting all over the place."
A (evidently somewhat remembering last night's similar conversation): "That's right. Because when I'm on the yucky medicine [antibiotics], my poo gets fancy."
Me (after a beat): "You mean funky."
A: "Right, right, right."

So, that's the latest on my Spanish, fancy-pooing worm patroller. I look forward to whatever Baltimorrow brings.

Busy, busy

But always time for a laugh. Remember the Yip Yips from Sesame Street, back in the day? This was the best clip ever. I'll admit that its creators may have been on drugs, but I think that this stuff was so much better than some of the crap our kids are watching today:

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Let it snow...

Well, this is A's first big snow (that she can remember), and she's loving it. We've been out twice, I built a rather pathetic snowman, T scoured the area stores until he found a sled and they had a grand old time heading down a rather steep hill. She would still be out there, happily making snow angels and eating snow, but we were freezing and had to bribe her with hot chocolate to come in. Also, I got to engage in the opposite of target practice: She wanted me to throw snowballs at her. It's very hard to not hit a three-year-old who's standing still. She even NAPPED. I love snow days.

Harkening back to last weekend... We had mice in the house, so T set live traps to catch them, and soon enough, we had three cute little deer mice living in an old aquarium on our kitchen table until it got warm enough to let them out. Poor, pet-deprived A was absolutely enamored of them (she named all three "Tiny"), which she was happy to share when we went to Pet Smart to get some fish food. We were standing in front of the gerbil/mouse/general rodent display and A tugs the coat of a random woman, points at a gigantic white rat, and announces, "We have three of those living in our kitchen!" The woman looked suitably horrified. I hightailed it out of there before she could call Social Services. We then had a taxonomy lesson on the finer points of the rodent family.

Off to watch the end of Wall-E. AGAIN.