Monday, February 2, 2009

Checking in

Ridiculously busy, so just a few bullet points on things that I've observed and that amuse/annoy:

* A is proving to be very self-aware. Two nights ago, she didn't want to go to bed and was pulling her crocodile tears routine while Tom was trying to put her in her pjs. He told her to stop fake crying and she said, "I'm not fake crying, I'm whining." At least she's honest.

* About that, at least. When it comes to sweets, however, the kid would sell me down the river in a heartbeat. One time, Tom took her with him to get coffee, and they happened to sell cookies there. She gave the server a hangdog look and said--keeping in mind that it was about 4:30 pm--"I haven't had anyfing to eat all day." So they gave her a cookie for free.

* She's also invented two new words. "Recycling" is now "precycling" and "conducting" (hey, she's the kid of musician, of course she knows it) is "beducting."(One also is a "beductor" who "beducts.") I'm sure that I should correct her on these things. I don't.

* And speaking of words, we've pulled our first four-letter bomb at daycare. (Not the f-bomb, luckily.) I picked her up last week and her teacher told me that A's barrette had been falling out all day, and finally, she sighed and said, "Shit." Her teacher said, "What did you say?" My precious angel replied, without skipping a beat, "I said my barrette fell out." So... lying is good, sometimes?

* I've found a new show to hate. And here I thought I'd become hardened to such things. But no, I saw my first episode of "Ni Hao, Kai-Lan" tonight. Ye gods, who is their target audience, the mentally challenged? I mean, they couldn't hammer home the moral of the episode any harder if they wrote it down, wrapped the note around a brick, and beat me in the head with it. Even the fish got it: share. It's nice to share. It's not nice when we don't share. We should encourage our friends to share. Sometimes it takes time to share. JEEBUS, I GET IT! (And yes, I know that I'm a bit older than their target audience, but still... would make a hell of a drinking game, though.) Naturally enough, A loved it. Ack.

Back to the grind...

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