Tuesday, December 23, 2008

'Tis the season to be busy

And who thought it was going to be a good idea for me to go out of town the weekend before Christmas? Yeesh.

Anyway, too much happening on the home front for any sort of coherent report, other than to say that (presumably like most children right now) A is absolutely spinning like a top. A loud, out of control, but happy top. I'm at work, though, and Mom's home dealing with her. Bwah ha ha...

Also, apparently my child has bat radar ears because I swear, I'm only muttering the bad stuff now but she hears it anyway. As was evidenced this weekend, when I spent 30 minutes hunting for a parking spot. During that time, she informed me, "We don't say 'shit,' Mommy," and said, "Please don't get us killed."

Ho frickin' ho?

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