Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I like to @#$%*, too

Amazing--watch this before it gets removed. Best way to watch Sesame Street, IMO: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=B-Wd-Q3F8KM

(And of course, the link function isn't working, so it's back to good ol' copy and paste... ah, technology.)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Frickin' hysterical

I'm assuming that the few of you who read this blog share my sense of humor. If so, you have to check out "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" on FX. It's totally sick, twisted, and dark, and is one of the few shows out there that makes me laugh my ass off these days. Tonight's episode about the Revolutionary War (don't ask, somewhat complicated) actually had me in tears. T rewound the end a couple of times because we were literally falling over each other on the couch, we were laughing so hard.

Maybe it won't be your cup of tea (ha ha), but at least give it a shot (I am full of the puns tonight)--if you like it, you'll love it.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Her father's daughter

Last night, after her bath, A decided that she needed to go potty. I dried her off, wrapped her in a towel, and set her on the john.

A: I need a magazine to read. [keeping in mind that the child isn't yet three-and-a-half and cannot, in fact, read]

Me: Okay. [picks up a random magazine next to the toilet]

A: No, I want the video game magazine.

I ask you...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

After the first half hour, we started to hate the Zs...

Ah, election season is finally, thankfully, almost over. Although it seems determined to go out with a bang; not only did I get four phone calls last night about voting (including a thoughtful one from Michelle Obama, I feel very important right now), but I also got totally screwed at the polling place. Here, they divvy up the names A-G, H-N, P-Z. And evidently, 90 percent of the county's population--including me--falls under the first category. It's strange, really. But the A-G line snaked out the door while the others waltzed in and out like the breeze. So yes... 30 minute in, we were giving P-Z in particular some dirty looks. I finally voted after 45 minutes; the girl behind me (an M) confessed that she'd been there for less than 15. The vagaries of fate. Or surnames, I suppose.

Regarding the election, I'm afraid to get my hopes up--and even then, it's more of a case of "(almost) anybody but him"--but I am planning watch The Daily Show's coverage for some entertainment value, at least.

But I really hate those frickin' Zs.