Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's not her hearing...

I know that it can't be; we just had her four-year checkup and she passed the hearing test with flying colors. So why. Can the child. NOT. LISTEN?!

The other day, just to test whether she could actually say the word "yes," I asked her if she wanted some chocolate chip cookies. T told me that wasn't fair. But I was genuinely concerned that her mouth couldn't form the word.

I've tried the 1-2-3 Magic shit, I've tried timeouts, I've tried taking things away. Doesn't matter... she does not want to do whatever it is you ask/tell (tried both) her to do. I seriously think that she could be on fire and I could tell her to douse herself with water to put out the flames and she'd say, "No, I don't want to."

I'm about at the end of my rope. Any suggestions, other than me being committed? (Which sounds entirely too appealing at this point.) Help meeeeeee....